Matric Results Release Date 2022 is 21 January 2022
Learners who wrote their grade 12 or matric in 2021 must be wondering when will the matric results be released in 2022. It is a wish for most of learners to find out how they performed in their examinations. These results determined whether the learner may get access to bursaries or scholarships and also entrance in the tertiary world.
If you are waiting for 2021 matric results, the wait will be over soon. Read further to know the matric results release date for 2022.
The Department of Basic Education has released its schedule for the 2022 matric results. The national matric results for learners in public schools are expected to be announced on 20 January 2021 by Basic education minister Angie Motshekga, with individual results to be made available at schools on 21 January 2021.
The national matric results for learners in public schools have been scheduled to be announced on 20 January 2022. A day after the Independent Education Board (IEB) will reveal results for learners in the private schools under its umbrella.
The marking of the 2021 National Senior Certificate examinations were completely captured on 27 December 2021.
By now, Umalusi must have already approved the results and the department should be preparing the results to be released on 21 January 2022.
As per the previous years, the minister of basic education gives a detailed report on the performance. The report also include the top performing schools and the outstanding performing learners.
A day after the minister’s announcement, provinces also do their provincial announcements.
No one can argue that the 2021 academic year was filled with many challenges. Challenges such as Eskom blackouts, lockdown restrictions which also led to the school calendar being constantly changed. Not forgetting late reopening of the school for the 2021 school calendar year.
Despite the challenges, matric learners of 2021 have managed to write their examinations and all they are waiting for now is their results.
Links to the provincial basic education departments.
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