How to Apply for Sassa Grants Online

Did you know that you can save money and time by applying for Sassa grants online? Yes, you can apply for most of Sassa grants online. You just have to know where to go and how to do it. Tha’s why we just want to share with you information on how to apply for social grants online.

How to Apply for Sassa Grants Online

To apply for a SASSA grant online, follow these steps:
1) Visit the SASSA services website on any device with internet connectivity (cellphone, tablet, laptop, desktop computer).

2) Register as a new user on the SASSA services website, by clicking the yellow “Register” button on the home page. You will be required to provide the following personal information:

  • Your citizenship (South African citizen/ permanent resident/ refugee)
  • Your ID number
  • Your ID document type (ID document/ temporary ID)
  • Confirm your ID number
  • Your title (Mr/ Mrs/ Miss)
  • Your surname
  • Your full name
  • Your email address
  • Your chosen password (must be at least 8 characters, containing at least 1 of the following: uppercase or lowercase letters, numbers, symbols or special characters) (must not be a common word or name, or a close variation)
  • Confirm your chosen password
  • Your cellphone number (your 10 digit South African cellphone number, starting with 0)

3) Log in to the SASSA services website using your username and password.

4) Click on “Apply for a Grant” and then select the type of grant you wish to apply for.

5) Fill in the grant application form by providing all the required information.

6) Print the SASSA generated affidavit and have it certified by a commissioner of oaths. Print, sign and submit the Bank Payment Form with your affidavit.

7) Upload the following certified supporting documents in PDF format:

Child Support Grant application requirements:

  • A copy of the applicants ID document
  • A copy of the spouses ID document (if applicable)
  • Proof of martial status: marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Proof of banking details: letter from the bank with the applicants banking details and name
  • Proof of income (if applicable)
  • SASSA generated affidavit

Foster Child Grant application requirements:

  • A copy of the applicants ID document
  • A copy of the spouses ID document (if applicable)
  • Proof of martial status: marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Proof of banking details: letter from the bank with the applicants banking details and name
  • Proof of income (if applicable)
  • SASSA generated affidavit

Older Persons Grant application requirements:

  • A copy of the applicants ID document
  • A copy of the spouses ID document (if applicable)
  • Proof of martial status: marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Proof of banking details: letter from the bank with the applicants banking details and name
  • Proof of income (if applicable)
  • SASSA generated affidavit

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